Anti-c Monoclonal

SKU: 692005 Category:


Size: 5ml

Shelf Life: 24 Months

Type: Monoclonal

Levine and Stetson discovered the Rh blood group system in 1940. Apart from D the other major Rh antigens are C, E, c and e. The D antigen is highly immunogenic; the C and e antigens are less immunogenic than E and c. The corresponding antibodies are all clinically significant since they may cause both Transfusion Reactions and Haemolytic Disease of the Newborn. The reagents will cause direct agglutination (clumping) of test red cells that carry the corresponding Rh antigen. No agglutination generally indicates the absence of the corresponding Rh antigen.

Lorne Monoclonal IgM Anti-Rh blood grouping reagents are low protein reagents containing human monoclonal antibodies diluted with sodium chloride, bovine albumin and macromolecular potentiators. Each reagent is supplied at optimal dilution for use with slide, tube, gel card and microplate techniques.